Page 120 - Pure Life 35
P. 120

The Most Important Application of Self-knowledge… T.S. Amini et al (119

               This research is qualitative              The unit of analysis in this
            in nature and has been carried            research  is  the  sources,

            out     with    a    descriptive-         documents and scientific data
            analytical  and  comparative              and  library  studies  of  the
            method,  in  which  content               philosophical        works      of

            analysis and document review              Allameh Tabatabai and Henri
            have  been  used.  For  the               Bergson and related analysis.
            comparative  study,  George                  The  data  collection  tool

            Bereday's  method  has  been              was Maxqda software, which
            used to analyze and compare               was  used  to  increase  the
            two approaches.                           accuracy  of  data  coding  and

               In this philosophical approach         categorization. The steps and
            and attitude, the effort of the           method  of  using  Maxqda
            comparative  researcher  finds            software  in  this  research  are

            philosophical  value,  and  the           as follows:
            work  is  not  merely  a                     -     Importing        various
            superficial  report  of  the                 documents  such  as  articles
            similarities  and  differences,              and  books  in  Word  and

            but for a better understanding               PDF format to the software;
            of      the      thoughts        of
            philosophers and philosophical               -  Coding  of  all  documents

            schools,  philosophical  views               and     texts     based      on
            are  compared  and  reconciled               inductive method;
            with a methodical and not biased             -  Classifying  concepts  and

            view. (Faramarz Qaramaleki,                  categories (sometimes unifying
            2015: 302)                                   codes or so-called merging
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