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            134  /   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(35), Summer. 2023
               Since  Bergson  is  inclined           such a way that the process of
            towards       Emergence        and        self-exaltation  does  not  have
            unpredictability  is  one  of  the        predetermined        and     fixed
            basic  components  of  this               rules; But it can be created at
            tendency,  the  states  of  our           any moment.

            soul  continuously  make  us                 Therefore, the more we pay
            and every moment of our life,             attention  to  the  continuity  of
            which  we  ourselves  are  the            evolution and the continuation

            creators  of,  is  considered  a          of  progress,  the  more  we  see
            kind of new creation.                     the closeness of the evolution
               According to him, existence            of  living  beings  to  the

            is constantly and continuously            evolution of the soul and self-
            evolving,  and  since  all  souls         conscious  being.  It  can  be
            share  the  “Vital  Passion”              said  that  the  life  of  other

            principle,  when  they  face              living  beings,  as  it  is  in  the
            moral,  educational  or  other            soul,  is  creative  at  every
            obstacles,      they     try     to       moment. (Pirmoradi, 2014: 170)
            overcome  these  obstacles  in               So, the result of Bergson’s

            different  ways,  and  this               view  on  the  evolution  of  the
            causes  life  to  be  full  of            soul is in his sentence:
            innovation and invention, and                Living  beings  share  with

            every moment takes on a new                  the  self-conscious  being,
            and completely different state,              i.e.  the  soul,  in  the
            and  this  creativity  takes  the            attributes  of  continuity  of

            education  process  out  of  its             evolution (continuous becoming
            static  state  and  gives  it                and  life  in  general)  and
            dynamism  and  freshness.  In                preservation  of  the  past  in
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