Page 131 - Pure Life 35
P. 131
130 / International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(35), Summer. 2023
The Most Important Referring to the narrations of
Application of Self-Knowledge self-knowledge, he considers
1. Allameh Tabatabai: self-knowledge to be the most
Self-Knowledge; Knowing important divine goal in
God (Monotheistic Goal) instructing believers to take
According to the theory of care of themselves, and he
conventional perceptions (Idrakat introduces it as the
I'tibari) of Allameh Tabatabai, introduction, foundation and agent
true knowledge is the mental of God-knowledge; Therefore,
unveiling of reality and the no other way than self-
actual fact, and since there is knowledge leads to the
a sacred purpose behind the emergence of true knowledge.
great creation and the heavens The meaning of it is that a
and the earth were not created person should give up every
in vain, he introduces the obstacle that makes a person
ultimate goal of creation to busy with himself only by
reach the state of servitude, paying attention to God, The
which is God's closeness; Almighty, and know his self
Therefore, in the process of until he sees his self as it is
searching for the truth, the and realizes its inherent need
Quran warns man to step on for God; and whoever attains
the path of self-knowledge. such a position, his observation
Allameh believes that self- will be inseparable from the
knowledge has an impressive observation of his sustainer,
role in the education and who is God, so when he sees
morals of souls (Tabatabai, God, The Almighty, then he
1986: 225) will know God with an