Page 152 - Pure Life 35
P. 152

Comparative Analysis of the… S.S.H. Abedi & M.R. Mousavinasab (151

            by     a    prominent      scholar           Regarding  philosophy,  he
            Moghaghqi  Rashti, he sought              also     taught      the     book

            participation        and       got        Falsafatuna  (Our Philosophy),
            acquainted with these courses.            authored  by  martyr  called
               Misbah has an independent              shaheed  Sadr,  and  the  book

            mind and interesting innovations          Bedaya        al-Hikma           (An
            in  various  fields  of  human            introduction  to  wisdom),  by
            sciences.  This  work  was                Allameh Tabatabayi.

            started  with  the  aim  of                  Describing  him,  Ayatollah
            training      intellectual     and        Rajabi says:
            religious  govt.  servants,  and             There  is  absolutely  no

            training committed and efficient             impatience  or  haste  in  his
            people to form the future staff              research  work.  He  used  to
            of  the  Islamic  system  and                say  that  we  should  start

            government.                                  with  certain  issues  and
               He  first  taught  Quranic                move  forward  and  solve
            topics  and  interpretation  and             every  other  issue  on  the
            philosophical  topics  in  that              basis  of  certainties  and

            school:  The  interpretation                 facts  or  truths.  (Mishkat
            course  in  three  levels,  and  at          Software)
            the  same  time,  moral  and

            educational  topics  under  the              Syed  Abula  Ali  Maududi
            title   “Self-Knowledge         for       was  a  great  thinker,  leader,
            Self-Building”.                           wise,  practical  and  dedicated

                                                      Islamic scholar. He was born
                                                      in September 1903, in a Sadat
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