Page 154 - Pure Life 35
P. 154

Comparative Analysis of the… S.S.H. Abedi & M.R. Mousavinasab (153

               Jamaat-e-Islami, one of the            Ayatollah  Misbah  Yazdi’s
            first  and  most  influential             Quranic-Educational Opinions

            Islamic      parties     in     the       Ayatollah  Mesbah  Yazdi,
            subcontinent and especially in            describing  the  Holy  Quran,
            Pakistan.  The  founder  of  this         says:

            congregation, Abul-A'la Maududi,             With  a  cursory  look  at  the
            thought of establishing such a               Holy  Quran,  we  find  out

            party in 1937.                               that  despite  its  relatively
               Maududi says:                             small volume and quantity,
               When  I  saw  that  my  voice             it  contains  a  variety  of
               was  insufficient,  the  next             knowledge,  sciences,  rules

               step  that  came  to my  mind             and  individual  and  social
               was  that  I  should  organize            laws     that     cannot     be
               a  group  that  includes                  compared with other books

               worthy  people  and  can                  available among mankind.
               stand       against       those           In this collection, the deepest
               seditions that are coming in              and  highest  teachings,  the
               front  of  us  in  the  future.           highest  and  most  valuable

               (Ref: Siddiqui, 1998: 265)                moral  commands, the  most
                                                         just sermons and historical
               Also,  in  terms of Research              points,    and     the     most

            Background,  no  independent                 constructive  methods  of
            work  was  found  on  the                    education      and     training
                                                         have       been      collected .

                                                         (Misbah  Yazdi,  2019a,
                                                         Vol. 1: 264)
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