Page 155 - Pure Life 35
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            154  /   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(35), Summer. 2023

            1. The Developing an Education            provide  them  with  help  and
            System based on Islam                     freshness,       beauty        and
            For      the     training      and        prosperity,  and  all  this  is
            purification of human beings,             possible  except  by  using  the
            certain subtleties, abilities and         heavenly  blessings  that  God

            skills  are  necessary,  which            Almighty  has  provided  to  us
            only  the  creator  of  man  that         through the true prophets.
            has  full  knowledge  of  His                Our  education  system  is

            creations,  and  it  is  He  who          also desirable and satisfactory
            teaches the correct methods of            when it is  based on  the solid
            human          training        and        foundations of Islam. Building

            purification  through  revelation         such a huge building requires
            to his messengers and chosen              precise  engineering  that  is
            ones; So that under the shelter           possible in the light of Islamic

            of  divine  education,  they  can         education philosophy. (Group
            provide the conditions for the            of Authurs, 2012: 14)
            growth  and  development  of
                                                      2. Belonging of Knowledge
            humans. (Mishkat Software)
               The  tree  of  education  will         The Holy Quran has relied on
            then  bear  its  sweet  fruits  in        another interesting and precise
            succession, when it has strong            point  in  connection  with  the

            and  stable  roots,  roots  that          acquisition  of  knowledge,
            originate  from  healthy  and             which will be useful for us to
            invigorating       sources       of       pay  attention  to;  Although

            nutrition  and  become  broad             knowledge  has  a  high  value
            and  intertwined  leaves.  To             by nature, in evaluating science,
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