Page 158 - Pure Life 35
P. 158

Comparative Analysis of the… S.S.H. Abedi & M.R. Mousavinasab (157

            3.  Basics  of  Education  and            4.     The       Necessity       of
            Human Will                                Educating the Ignorant

            Misbah  Yazdi  believes  in               Misbah  Yazdi  says  about  the
            human free will, which is one             obligation  of  educating  the
            of  the  foundations  of  human           ignorant:

            education. He says:                          There  is  no  doubt  that
               If  we  do  not  consider                 guiding  the  astray  and
               human will and choice and                 teaching  the  ignorant,  in
               consider human being only                 general,  has  a  rational
               affected  by  biological  and             obligation,  and  of  course,
               physiological  factors  and
               other  factors,  the  issue  of           many  narrations  and  some
               education,  religion,  and                verses     of    the    Quran
               ethics  will  be  eliminated              indicate  the  obligation  to
               and  man  will  be  held                  guide  the  misguided  and
               captive  by  a  coercive                  educate  the  ignorant;  but
               system,  and  he  will  no                regardless  of  these  verses
               longer  have  obligations,                and  narrations,  we  have
               responsibilities, and duties,
               and  he  will  not  be  held              knowledge and reason that
               accountable         for      his          definitely  tells  us  that
               behavior;  Because  in  that              almighty God has required
               case,  his  behavior  will  be            us  to  perform  such  a  duty,
               forced  and  caused  by  the              and  the  possibility  that  He
               influence  of  involuntary                wanted  to give orders and
               and       natural      factors.
               (Misbah Yazdi, 2005: 49)                  decrees      only      through
                                                         prophets  and  after  the
                                                         death  of  the  prophets,
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