Page 211 - Pure Life 35
P. 211
210 / International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(35), Summer. 2023
with western sciences: Based on this approach, the
internal criticism, methodical amount of use of western
criticism and criticism of science in different fields is
principles. In the meantime, not the same.
the most effective type of The amount of use of
confrontation is related to western sciences according to
criticism of principles. the three mentioned areas and
Internal criticism includes also emphasizing the
the findings and propositions descriptive and normative
of Western humanities that a aspects of science is
Muslim researcher with the specified.
same experience can Acknowledgment
introduce problems to
Western sciences in order to I hereby express my gratitude
find out how far they have to the officials and reviewers
adhered to their foundations. of Pure Life Journal who
Criticism is a method, an worked hard to promote and
experimental and sensory publish my article.
method that governs Western
research, which should use a
more rational and revelatory
Criticism of foundations
includes epistemology, ontology,
anthropology and religion.