Page 208 - Pure Life 35
P. 208

How to Face with Western Sciences … S.R. Noorafshan et al (207

               For  such  a  prescription,  in        between  unilateralism  and
            addition  to  knowing  its                multilateralism  of  two  value

            relation  to  mental  states,  a          systems.      (Misbah       Yazdi,
            valid  value  system  is  also            2016: 285)
            needed;  A  value  system  that              According          to       this

            considers  all  human  interests          introduction,  the  degree  of
            and  interests  other  than  the          utilization      of      Western
            relationship  of  this  chemical          sciences  in  the  superstructure

            substance  with  this  particular         dimension can be evaluated in
            mental  state,  and  evaluates            such  a  way  that  only  the  use
            this  partial  relationship  in  a        of  the  descriptive  dimension

            more general framework.                   of  Western  sciences,  whose
               This is where religion, with           method  is  experimental,  can
            its pervasive view, forbids the           be maximized.

            use  of  this  substance  and                This     means      that    the
            advises  us  to  give  up  this           Western world in the field of
            benefit  in  order  to  preserve          experimental sciences such as
            another  benefit  that  is  far           physics,  chemistry,  biology,

            more important- the health of             geology, meteorology and mining,
            the mind and the purity of the            medicine  and  medicine,  etc.
            soul  and  heart.  (Ref:  Quran,          have  studied  the  relationship

            1: 219)                                   between  the  phenomena  and
               Thus,  there  is  no  friction         made  great  progress.  Have
            and  conflict  between  religion          also  earned.  The  results  of

            and  science;  But  a  conflict
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