Page 207 - Pure Life 35
P. 207
206 / International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(35), Summer. 2023
Of course, the descriptive On the other hand, the
and normative dimensions of monotheistic worldview and
science are not separate from the divine value system give
each other; But have a close him instructions in
relationship with each other. accordance with the
The guidelines and transcendent goals of man,
programs that a researcher and in prescribing his
prescribes for a particular solutions and instructions, he
subject to other human beings considers the relation of
are directly affected by two behaviors with the Hereafter.
dimensions. (Misbah Yazdi, 2016: 281-283)
- First: descriptive propositions For example, if it is proven
that have been achieved in in psychiatry that consuming
the same science. a certain amount of alcohol
can be effective in improving
- Second: the value system the function of some bodily
that a researcher has organs... this will not be
accepted. The material denied by religion. It may
worldview and the even be considered as an
corresponding value system example of the benefits that
prescribe materialistic instructions the Holy Quran, in addition to
and are concerned only the great: beverages such for
with meeting the worldly acknowledges, harms Because.
needs of man. (Ref: Quran, 1: 219)