Page 206 - Pure Life 35
P. 206

How to Face with Western Sciences … S.R. Noorafshan et al (205

            3.    Internal     Content       of       explaining, and describing their
            Western Sciences (Descriptive             phenomena and relationships.

            and Normative Dimensions)                    Biology, chemistry, physics
            Some  propositions  in  various           and basic sciences are in this
            sciences are merely concerned             category.

            with  recognizing  phenomena                 In contrast, some propositions
            and the relationships between             refer  to  human  behavior  and
            them.                                     specify  “Do's  and  Don'ts”.

               For  example,  the  study  of          These propositions divide the
            objects  and  the  discovery  of          works  into  good  and  bad
            the  type  of  material  of  an           within  their  subject  matter

            object,     the     amount       of       and  determine  for  man  what
            elements  in  which  the  object          to  do  and  what  not  to  do  in
            is used, as well as the study of          that particular subject.

            the  physical  and  chemical                 For example, ethics, educational
            properties of an object, are the          sciences,  jurisprudence  and
            tasks  of  the  natural  sciences.        law  are  clear  examples  of
            This  dimension  of  science  is          prescriptive      sciences       or

            called       the       descriptive        normative sciences.
            dimension.  (Misbah  Yazdi,                  Some sciences also include
            2016: 205)                                both descriptive and normative

               Descriptive  sciences  only            aspects,  such  as  psychology,
            do     that     by     examining          economics, and sociology.
            “Nuclei”  within  their  subject

            area       and       discovering,
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