Page 37 - Pure Life 35
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            36  /   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(35), Summer. 2023

            Because  absolute  freedom  is               the  extent  that  it  does  not
            neither  possible  for  humans               affect  the  freedom  of
            nor  desirable  for  humans;                 others.
            Therefore,  all  divine  and                 B:  The  freedoms  that
            human schools have accepted                  corrupt  the  environment

            the  limitation  of  freedom;                and prepare the ground for
            But where is the limit of this               the growth of corruption in
            freedom,  the  differences  and              society, these freedoms are

            distinctions are clearly visible.            also  taken  in  the  Islamic
               In the divine view and the                system.  (Foundation  for
            school of Infallible imams, it               Publishing      Works       and

            is seen as the circle of human               Thoughts        of      Martyr
            life and happiness beyond the                Beheshti, 2007: 18)
            present world; Therefore, while

            accepting  and  properly  using              Another  point  is  that  the
            sensual and carnal instincts in           limits of  freedom  are  closely
            the  frameworks  proposed  in             related     to    responsibility,
            religion,  he  considers  the             because  it  is  based  on  this

            unconditional  following  of              freedom  and  choice  that  a
            instincts  as  one  of  the               person  is  called  to  account
            obstacles  for  mankind  to               and takes responsibility.

            reach eternal happiness.                     Therefore,  since  man  is  a
               Shahid  Beheshti  says  in             thoughtful and wise being and
            this regard:                              has  been  given  the  power  to

               It has two roots:                      know  good  and  bad  things,
               A:  That  the  freedom  of  an         (Ref: Quran, 91: 8) and since
               individual  is  exercised  to          man  has  freedom,  he  is
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