Page 51 - Pure Life 35
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            50  /   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(35), Summer. 2023
               First,  he  has  the  duty  to         and  giving  way  to  cultural
            protect his right to freedom.             mixing and intermingling, due to
               Second:  not  to  be  an               this mixing and intermingling
            obstacle  to  the  freedom  of            of  Muslims  and  Islamic
            others.                                   society, with a wide invasion

               Third:  by  enjoining  the             and  All  aspects  of  western
            good and forbidding the evil,             materialistic ideas and culture
            remove or at least reduce the             have  been  faced  And  by  the

            obstacles  to  the  freedom  of           empire  of  visual  and  audio
            oneself  and  others  so  that            media in various formats and
            divine and Islamic values rule            with  false  charms,  it  has

            in the personal and social life           penetrated  even  inside  the
            of  Muslims  and  human                   houses and houses of believers
            society, and the arena and to             to  achieve  their  colonial

            prepare the ground for eternal            goals,  the  duty  of  guarding
            happiness for humanity and to             freedom,  to  reach  the  eternal
            ensure  the  causes  of  God's            happiness (worldly and hereafter)
            satisfaction.                             of humanity, and The defense

               Although this responsibility           of  divine  values,  which
            is  the  permanent  duty  of  a           includes  and  includes  this
            true  Muslim;  But  in  the               eternal  happiness,  is  tangible

            contemporary        era,     when         and visible more than ever.
            geographical  boundaries  and                The  main  findings  of  the
            spatial distances are becoming            research  are  expressed  in  the

            more  and  more  ineffective              following table:
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