Page 48 - Pure Life 35
P. 48

The Realm of Freedom… A. Mirzaei and S.H. Abedian (47

            the  legal  personality  of  the          the  people  do  not  seek  an
            divine ruler is the legitimacy            Islamic government, the jurist

            of the true personality of  the           has  no  duty  to  establish  and
            human ruler.                              realize the Islamic government.
               Therefore, in this view, the           (Javadi Amoli, 2004: 227)

            choice of  the majority  of  the             Therefore, in the theory of
            people is accepted within the             religious  democracy,  we  are
            scope of Islamic laws, so we              faced  with  two  types  of

            said  the  complement  of                 rights:      The      right     of
            legitimacy,  because  divine              sovereignty,  which  has  been
            legitimacy is central.                    delegated to the comprehensive

               The  theory  of  religious             jurisprudence  through  the
            democracy           with       the        channel of the Sharia, and the
            perspective of complementing              Right  to  choose  from  among

            legitimacy  is  seen  more  than          the  existing  comprehensive
            anywhere        else     in     the       jurisprudence, which has been
            statements  of  the  supreme              delegated  to  the  people
            leader  of  the  revolution,              through  the  channel  of  the

            which       to     access       the       Sharia. (Ref: Jafarpishehfard,
            statements  of  the  leader,  you         2006: 58)
            can  refer  to  the  text  of  his

            speeches  in  the  two  books             The Realm of Freedom and
            “Velayat Pajhwok” and “Our                its Influence on the Religious
            Venerable Imam”.                          Lifestyle

               So, the will of the people is          As  stated,  the  first  choice  of
            a  license  to  establish  an             man  (The  choice  of  theism
            Islamic  government,  and  if             and materialism) has a fundamental
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