Page 46 - Pure Life 35
P. 46

The Realm of Freedom… A. Mirzaei and S.H. Abedian (45

            other  theories  in  the  period             According  to  this  theory,
            Contemporary has been raised.             the  ruler  was  introduced  by

            (Ref: Rostamian, 2002: 41-42)             the  same  divine  channel  and
               The  second  theory  claims            by the infallible imam for the
            that  we  have  no  reason  to            time of absence; But the ruler

            install a jurist as the ruler and         and the sovereign need to be
            successor  of  imams,  so  this           elected by the people in order
            matter  has  been  left  to  the          to advance the policies set in

            people;      (Ref:    Montazeri,          the Islamic government, or to
            1989:  Vol.  1:  493-531;  Ibid,          realize  their  externality  or  to
            2008: 12-23) of course, it has            complete their legitimacy.

            been  proven  in  its  place,  the           Based  on  this,  there  are  at
            evidence  of  the  authority  of          least  three  perspectives  on
            the Faqih is complete.                    how  people  influence  the

               The  third  theory  does  not          legitimacy  of  the  ruling
            contradict the first theory; But          province: Giving advice to the
            explains  it  and  narrates  and          ruler,  Partially  realizing  the
            clarifies  its  neglected  angles.        ruling province, and Partially

            This  theory,  which  is  also            identifying the ruling province.
            referred     to    as    religious           Those  who,  to  explain  the
            democracy,  claims  that  the             role of the people, talk about

            legitimacy  of  the  ruler's              the duality of legitimacy  and
            governorship  in  the  age  of            consultation or the duality of
            occultation was chosen by the             legitimacy  and  acceptability,

            infallible Imam; But the choice           they  do  not  assign  a  role  to
            of the people is also influential         the people in determining the
            in the ruler's governorship.              ruler.  Therefore,  it  has  been
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