Page 49 - Pure Life 35
P. 49
48 / International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(35), Summer. 2023
effect in drawing his future Infallible imams school.
roadmap, because this choice: Therefore, the school of
- will form the criteria for the Infallible imams will
next choices of man. influence the principle of life
- Acceptance and non- and the quality of his life in
acceptance of stated all aspects of life, including
limitations for freedom is the issue of freedom.
based on this initial selection. According to what has been
said so far, in its explanation,
- The acceptance or non- we can say:
acceptance of the stated tasks A: The basis and need for
and requirements is also freedom is in the institution
based on this choice.
and human nature, as God
Therefore, the rules of says:
Sharia for the followers of “We have shown him the
religions and human laws, way, whether he is grateful
which in many cases limit (and accepted) or ungrateful”.
human freedom, are acceptable (Quran, 76: 3)
for the followers of both “Then he inspired him with his
groups and are not considered good and evil”. (Quran, 91: 8)
to be against freedom.
Based on what has been B: The school of Infallible
said, a person who believes in imams seeks to ensure the
the Infallible imams school eternal happiness of man.
should adjust his life plan Rather, it has been said that it
according to the Islamic is the only Islamic way of life
teachings and values of the that brings the true happiness