Page 72 - Pure Life 35
P. 72
The Nature of Experiencing of Returning… S. Mohammadsadeghipour et al (71
- Receiving an Order or a not yet the time to die and
Command to Return they had to go back.
Sometimes the person has NDErs codes 1 and 24 have
returned to the world by noted that sometimes a
receiving a command or by luminous character, figure/s who
implementation of force. It is accompanied them made them
even possible that order is understand that it was not yet
along with punishment and or their time to die and they had
the deceased relatives have to return to the world.
ordered that person to return NDEr code 41 who had
to the world (NDEr code 4). survived from a bombing
NDEr Code 1 stated that in incident said that Imam
that one moment I learned Hussain was pulling up some
that I had come to that place individuals and took them
much earlier than the moment away with him. I yelled and
I was supposed to. said: oh Aba Abdullah! let me
The NDEr code 16 stated come with you, too; But He
that I was ordered to return to did not accept my request and
my body. This order might be told me that the time of your
through kindness and or with death has not come yet.
anger and force. Cassol et al (2018), in their
NDErs codes 8 and 9 have research, also referred to a
stated that many of their similar experience in which
relative threw them out NDErs were obliged to have
towards their bodies and that experience.
NDErs were told that it was