Page 76 - Pure Life 35
P. 76
The Nature of Experiencing of Returning… S. Mohammadsadeghipour et al (75
- Pleading and Crying to Return others that there was another
to make up Indemnifications world too.
The NDEr code 7 stated, I Also, the NDEr code 18
cried and pleaded to return said, I was told that I had a
and I am very glad that God mission to finish on earth and
gave me this chance to return after finishing that mission I
and gave me another could comeback.
opportunity to compensate for That person considered that
my wrong deeds. mission to be raising a child
that God had given him/her a
- Returning in order to short time before then and
Finish Duties in the World he/she had the parenting
Some of the NDEr declared mission.
that their returns were for the Van Lommel (2011) reported
reason to finish their duties in that his/her patients experienced
the material world. They even that their time had not arrived
stated that they were shown then. They had a duty and
their future and they were because of that they had to
made to understand that they return and they considered the
had to return and complete return as a cruel act because
their tasks. (NDErs codes 9, they had to be imprisoned in
18, 20) their bodies again. The NDErs
The NDEr code 9 said that codes 39 and 40 experienced
it seemed, I had a mission and the NDE at the time of child
a burden on my shoulders, delivery.
and I promised there to tell
Both stated that they had to
leave the tranquility and