Page 68 - Pure Life 35
P. 68

The Nature of Experiencing of Returning… S. Mohammadsadeghipour et al (67

                                       Table 1. Panel of Experts

             Row             Field            Scientific Rank   Expert Panel    Number
              1     Philosophy of Education        PhD             Prof.           2
              2     Philosophy of Education        PhD                             2
              3     Educational Psychology         PhD                             1
              4            Theology                PhD                             2
              5     Philosophy of Education    PhD. Student          -             1
              6       Media Management         PhD.  Student         -             1
                      Psychometrics, and
              7      Educational Research      PhD.  Student         -             1

            Research Findings
            The extracted themes regarding the concept of returning to the
            body are shown in the following table:

                              Table 2. Themes of Returning to the Body
                 Categorized Meanings (Codes)                 Themes (Cluster)
            Receiving  an  order  or  a  command  to
            return  to  the  physical  body  in  order  to   Negotiation and convincing
            convince  the  NDEr  to  return,  showing
            the future of parents and children
                •  Having  a  choice  to  stay  or  to
                •  Returning because of having the
                    sense of belonging to the family   Having a choice and a discretion to
                •  Having  an  attachment  to  the        return to the physical body
                    world as the cause of the return
                •  Dependency  as  the  secret  of
   63   64   65   66   67   68   69   70   71   72   73