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            74  /   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(35), Summer. 2023

            person  is  confronted  with              me”.  He/she  mentioned  that
            his/her  good  and  evil  deeds.          he/she  wanted  to  recite  the
            The deeds might be in such a              whole holy Quran.
            way  that  the  person  would                The  other  NDEr  2  stated
            wish  to  return  to  life  and           that  he/she  had  promised  a

            would  compensate  for  his               person  to  prepare  him/her  a
            wrongs  (NDEr  code  7).  It  is          thing and he/she asked God to
            even possible to return to the            intercede him/her to return to

            body  to  continue  good  deeds           the  world  and  keep  his/her
            (NDEr code 10).                           promise.

            -  Asking  to  Return  to  do             - Asking to Compensate for
            Incomplete  Jobs  and  to                 the Pasts
            Keep Promises                             Some  of  the  NDErs  had
            The NDEr code 21 stated that              committed        suicides      and

            he/she  was  annoyed  and                 because  of  their  wrong  and
            asked  God  to  be  returned              bad deeds experienced negative
            because he/she felt that he/she           and horrible incidence. When

            was too young and could still             confronted with non-returnable
            do many things.                           phase, by pleading and crying
               The NDEr mentioned many                they  asked  to  return  and

            unfinished  tasks  that  were  to         compensate  for  their  bad
            be     finished     and     he/she        deeds.
            pleaded  with  God  to  return               The NDEr code 17 stated, I

            him/her to the world, “I had a            was saying I wish I would be
            good  task  to  do  that  is              given another chance to return
            unfinished  and  this  worried            to compensate for my sins.
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