Page 193 - Pure Life 36
P. 193
192 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(36), Autumn. 2023
Acknowledgment Author Contributions
I would to express my deepest The corresponding author
appreciation to the collected primary and
International Multidisciplinary secondary data about higher
Journal of Pure Life for education in Uganda. The
services it renders to the second author has also
international arena by publishing analyzed the religious point of
important scientific articles. view on religion and
I am also grateful to the spirituality using commentary
Complex for Language, methodology. Therefore, both
Literature and Culturology for authors discussed the impact
providing me with resources. of religion and spirituality on
Lastly, I would like to the Ugandan higher education
mention Dr. Sajid who system.
impacted and inspired me.
For this research, the office of
the principal of Al-Mustafa
higher Complex for Language,
Literature and Culturology
provided 100 dollars to be
used in data collection and