Page 190 - Pure Life 36
P. 190
Analyzing the Impact of Re-Organizing… D. Kibirango & S. H. Sajid (189
Table 1. Impacts of Higher Education Based on Religion and Spirituality
Impacts of the Religious
Principles of the Higher
Bases of Education and Spiritual Higher
Education System
Education System
World view; God the General:
Creator Impact on Individuals:
The principle of
Anthropology; Man centrality of God, Piety, Glory and honor,
has a soul and body Primordial nature, Hereafter, Modesty, Affection,
Conformity with religion, Contentment, Courage,
Values; Belief and Comprehensiveness, Knowledge and insight,
righteous action Suitability and coherency, The spirit of performing
Priority, Dynamism, one's duty, Creativity and
Epistemology; actualization of talents
Emphasis on knowledge Moderation
Goals of Higher Specific Principles Impact on Society
The ultimate goal; Gradual continuity, Observing Strengthening patriotism
Closeness to God. individual differences, Having and unity, Increasing
authentic educators, Observing social status, Promoting
Specific intermediate social stability and peace,
goals and promoting freedom Development, and
of educators, Observing prosperity, Promoting hygiene
Specific immediate justice between students, and health, Protecting the
goals Leniency, Wisdom, environment, Increasing
Responsibility, Reform