Page 188 - Pure Life 36
P. 188

Analyzing the Impact of Re-Organizing… D. Kibirango & S. H. Sajid (187

            spirituality;  This  is  because             Furthermore,  the  inference
            observing  personal  hygiene              drawn  from  this  context
            and  social  etiquettes  like             supports  the  notion  that
            brushing the teeth, cleanliness           framing the education system

            from  impurities,  hygiene  of            around  religious  and  spiritual
            public  places,  and  so  on  is  a       principles     can     potentially
            requirement  for  performing              bolster advancements in health

            many  religious  duties,  which           sciences.
            increase spirituality.                       Consequently,        such      a
               The  holy  Qur’an  orders              paradigm shift could lead to a

            believers:                                heightened focus on addressing
               “O Children of Adam! Put               health  concerns  prevalent  in
               on  your  adornment  on                Uganda.

               every  occasion  of  prayer,
               and  eat  and  drink,  but  do         6. Protecting the Environment
               not waste; indeed, He does             Organizing  the  framework  of
               not  like  the  wasteful”.             Uganda's  higher  education

               (Qur’an, 7: 31)                        system  around  religious  and
                                                      spiritual  principles  holds  the
               This suggests that individuals         potential  to  mitigate  the

            with  a  spiritual  inclination           escalating environmental degradation.
            tend  to  exhibit  a  demeanor               Despite substantial financial
            characterized  by  tidy  attire           investments  and  numerous

            and  a  conscientious  effort  to         pledges  aimed  at  preserving
            preserve the environment and              the planet, the outcomes have
            utilize resources judiciously.            remained  elusive.  However,
                                                      religious       and       spiritual
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