Page 191 - Pure Life 36
P. 191
190 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(36), Autumn. 2023
Conclusion A Religious and Spiritual
The higher education Education System endeavors
landscape in Uganda grapples to achieve closeness to God
with multifaceted challenges as the ultimate objective as
that significantly impede both seen in this article. This can
individual and societal be obtained by making sure
advancement. The most that this final objective is
serious of them is that the reflected in the entire parts of
system is fundamentally this system. For instance,
British paying less attention principles such as justice,
to the indigenous needs of which is a governing part of
Ugandan citizens. this system should be
These challenges have observed to achieve nearness
invited widespread criticism to God. By doing so, we will
and skepticism, reflecting in be able to establish the higher
the education system's of higher education system on
underperformance on local religion and spirituality.
and global academic indices. Thus, integrating religious
Embracing a lifestyle guided and spiritual principles within
by religious and spiritual higher education stands
principles and embodied by poised to exert a positive
values such as freedom, influence on both individual
dignity, equality, and justice, and societal domains; As
has demonstrated a mentioned such as knowledge
constructive impact on the and insight, the spirit of
lives of Ugandans. performing one's duty,