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International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE, 10(36), Serial Number. 4, Autumn. 2023, 25-56

            Human  Perfection  from  the  Perspective  of  Ibn  Arabi's
            Mysticism and Theravada Buddhism Mysticism

            Dr. Ali Jafari , Mohammad Emil      2

                1.*  Assistant  Prof.  in  Department  of  Islamic  Studies,  School  of  Medicine,  Arak  University  of
                Medical Sciences, Arak, Iran (Corresponding Author)

                2. Department of German Language, Faculty of Languages and Literature, Makassar State University,
                Makassar, Indonesia, and MA Student in Ethics Philosophy,

           ARTICL INFO           ABSTRACT
           Article History:         SU  BJECT  &  OBJECTIVES: This research explored the concept of human
           Received: 11 August 2023   perfection through the lenses of Ibn Arabi’s Mysticism and Theravada
           Revised: 26 October 2023   Buddhism Mysticism. The aim was to create a dialogue between
           Accepted: 01 November 2023   Buddhism  and  Ibn  Arabi's  mysticism,  and  to  shed  light  on  the
                                    similarities and differences in their perspectives on human perfection.
           Key Words:
                                    METHOD  &  FINDING: This research presented a comparative research
           Perfection               study of the profound mystical teachings of Ibn Arabi, a renowned
                                    Sufi mystic, and Theravada Buddhism, the oldest existing school of
           Human Perfection         Buddhism. The study examined the nature of self, the significance
                                    of the spiritual journey, and the role of love  in both  traditions.
                                    This study found that in the approach of the perfect human from
                                    Ibn Arabi's viewpoint, a individual achieves unity with the divine;
           Ibn Arabi's Mysticism
                                    While Theravada Buddhism seeks human perfection through the
           Theravada     Buddhism   attainment of the Arhat, a liberated being free from suffering and ignorance.

                                    CONCLUSION: The study offered a comprehensive understanding of
                                    human perfection from Ibn Arabi's and Buddhist mystical perspectives,

           DOI:                     and  revealed  that  both  traditions  challenge  the  conventional
           10.22034/imjpl.2024.16937.1120  understanding of self and advocate for a transcendent perspective
                                    that seeks to realize the ultimate reality of existence.  The study
           DOR:                     also showed that both traditions have different metaphysical and
           20.1001.1.26767619.2023.   ontological  assumptions,  as  well  as  different  methods  and

                                    practices of meditation and contemplation. Finally, concluded that

                                    the  comparative  study  of  Ibn  Arabi’s  Mysticism  and  Theravada
                                    Buddhism Mysticism can enhance dialogue and understanding, as

                                    well as provide insights into the nature of human existence.

           * Corresponding Author:               Article Address Published on the Journal Site:

           ORCID: 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 2 - 6 6 3 9 - 3 0 8 4

                 NUMBER OF                  NUMBER OF                NATIONALITY OF

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