Page 28 - Pure Life 36
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Human Perfection… A. Jafari & M. Emil (27

               Accordingly,  through  an              emotional,       and      spiritual
            exploration         of        their       aspects. (Chuang, 2020)

            fundamental principles, practices,           This  research  explores  the
            and  goals,  we  aim  to  reveal          concept  of  human  perfection
            the    shared     insights     and        as  a  central  theme  within

            distinctive  aspects  that  can           mystical traditions.
            contribute       to    a     more            Ibn  Arabi,  a  renowned
            comprehensive  understanding              Muslim          mystic         and

            of  the  nature  of  human                philosopher,      developed       a
            existence  and  the  pursuit  of          comprehensive            mystical
            perfection.                               framework  that  emphasized

                                                      the unity of existence and the
            Theoretical Foundations and               divine  nature  of  human
            Research Background                       beings. His teachings explore
            Understanding  how  to  live,             the     stages     of     spiritual

            and  how  to  reach  perfection           development,  the  nature  of
            helps  to  realize  hope  in  life,       reality,  and  the  realization  of
            and  make  it  meaningful.                human perfection.

            (Babanejad et al, 2021)                      He  envisions  the  perfect
               Human perfection refers to             human to be a realized human
            the     realization    of    one's        who  embodies  the  attributes

            highest  potential  and  the              of  God.  This  state  of
            attainment  of  a  state  of              perfection involves a profound
            wholeness, harmony, and self-             union with the divine; Where

            transcendence,         and       it       the  individual  transcends  the
            encompasses various dimensions,           ego  and  merges  with  the
            including physical, intellectual,
                                                      essence of God.
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