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            30  /   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE, 10(36), Autumn. 2023

            the second level is the level of          hereafter  are  visible  in  the
            prophets         other        than        perfect man. (Dogan, 2013)
            Muhammad, the third level is                  In  Ibn  Arabi's  view,  a
            the  level  of  inheritors  of  the       human  is  essentially  an
            prophets and finally the fourth           example of the microcosmos;

            one which is the lowest one is            It  means  that  God  the
            the     level     of     animals.         Almighty  has  created  in
            (Chittick, 1997)                          human beings everything that

               Ibn  Arabi  's  worldview  is          he  has  created  in  the  world.
            based on divine manifestation.            (Pye, 2023)
            The  manifestation  is  the                  Ibn  Arabi  introduces  the

            process      by    which      God         world  as  the  divine  book;
            appears  in  a  more  objective           therefore,  a  human  is  one  of
            form.  According  to  this                God's books and a copy of the

            theory,  all  beings  are  God's          world.      Based      on      this
            manifestation, and creation is            explanation  microcosm  is
            a mirror for His manifestations.          similar  to  the  macrocosm.
            (Gorjian       et    al,    2020)         (Albimawi & Nurhakim, 2023)

            Therefore,  Everything  gains             So,  man  has  many  different
            its  existence  from  God  and            potentialities  that  must  be
            perceives  its  existence  by             realized.

            Him. (Schimmel, 2011: 267-268)
               Accordingly,  the  perfect             1.  The  Highest  Level  of
            man  is  like  the  mirror  of  all       Perfection

            attributes of God, not only in            Among  the key  words  in  Ibn
            this  world;  But  also  all              Arabi's  mysticism,  regarding
            attributes  of  God  in  the              the final perfection of man is
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