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            28  /   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE, 10(36), Autumn. 2023
               Ibn  Arabi  emphasizes  the               This  study  explores  the
            importance of self-knowledge,             mystical aspects of Theravada
            love,  and  spiritual  journey  in        Buddhism           and        their
            the     pursuit      of    human          connection  to  the  pursuit  of
            perfection. (Alsharif, 2022)              human perfection.

               On  the  other  hand,  in                 In  terms  of  the  research
            Theravada  Buddhism,  as  one             background,  in  the  school  of
            of     the    oldest     Buddhist         Ibn  Arabi  and  Theravada

            traditions      which       offers        Buddhism,  there  are  separate
            profound  mystical  teachings             books  and  articles  about
            and  practices,  the  concept  of         human  perfection,  which  are

            human perfection is embodied              not mentioned for the sake of
            in the attainment of the Arhat.           brevity;  But  some  references
            The Arhat represents the ideal            used  in  this  research  refer  to

            state    of    liberation     from        the same works; At the same
            suffering      and     ignorance,         time,  comparing  these  two
            achieved through the practice             schools is a new work.
            of the Four Noble Truths and

            the Noble Eightfold Path.                 Human  Perfection  in  Ibn
               The  path  to  perfection  in          Arabi's Mysticism
            Theravada              Buddhism           Human  perfection  is  one  of

            emphasizes  the  development              the      terminological        and
            of  wisdom,  ethical  conduct,            conceptual  points  that  is
            and  meditation  as  means  to            interwoven  in  most  of  Ibn

            overcome the cycle of rebirth             Arabi's  writings.  First  of  all,
            and         attain        nirvana.        we      should      know       that
            (Schneider, 2017)                         perfection  is  different  from
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