Page 40 - Pure Life 36
P. 40

Human Perfection… A. Jafari & M. Emil (39

               By meditating and following            Nirvana.  when  an  Arhat  or  a
            the  basic  steps  of  Buddhist           perfect man reaches  the level

            education,  one  can  attain  the         of  ultimate  perfection,  he  or
            state of Nirvana, which is one            she  kills  all  delusion  of  the
            of the  last  steps taken  by the         existence of Anatta, so that he

            followers       of     Buddhism.          or she would be free from all
            Nirvana  is  used  in  a  more            mental illness. (Hongladarom, 2011)
            general  sense  to  describe  a              It doesn't mean that when a

            person  who  is  in  a  perfect           man achieves Nirvana, he will
            state  and  inner  peace  and  is         destroy five khandas of man's
            not  influenced  by  external             constituent;  It  means  that  his

            influences. (Schneider, 2017)             understanding and consciousness
               Nirvana  also  is  a  state  of        ends in Nirvana.
            renunciation  of  attachment                 Buddha  describes  Nirvana

            and  material  desires,  which            as follows:
            only       suffers.       Nirvana            There  is  no  land  there,  no
            indicates  a  state  in  which  all          water,  no  fire,  no  air,  no
            mental  activity  ceases  or  the            knowledge,  no  this  world,

            state  of  complete  spiritual               no other world, neither the
            freedom. (Harvey, 2000: 43)                  sun  nor  the  moon.  O  my
               Nirvana is described by the               followers!  I  tell  you  that it

            Buddha       as    the     highest           is  not  coming,  not  going,
            happiness        and      ultimate           neither  destruction        nor
            perfection. (Buddharakkhita, 2019)           production. (Schumann, 1987:

               Nirvana is understood with                87-88)
            insight-wisdom,  and  there  is
            no  self,  no  anatta  to  realize
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