Page 42 - Pure Life 36
P. 42

Human Perfection… A. Jafari & M. Emil (41

            suffering:  ignorance  of  the               The  four  noble  truths  in
            Four  Noble  Truths;  So,  the            human  experience  describe

            seeker  must  first  know  these          disease,     and     the     noble
            Four Noble Truths. These are              eightfold      path      is    the
            the suffering of life, craving is         prescription  that  provides  the

            the     cause     of    suffering,        cure. Understanding the truths
            Suffering can end, and finally,           and  crossing  this  path  will
            there  is  a  way  to  get  rid  of       lead  to  a  sense  of  absolute

            suffering. (Werner, 2000b)                peace  and  happiness  in  life.
               Without  knowledge  of  this           (Werner, 2000b)
            fact,  the  Buddhist  perfection             About the truth of the path

            movement will not take shape              that frees us from suffering it
            at  all .  The  four  noble  truths       should be noted that to reach
            are the basis of Buddhism and             perfection  man  should  know

            provide  a  plan  to  end  all            two  aspects  of  the  Forth
            human  suffering  and  aspects.           Noble  Truth: The  first  aspect
            These  facts  show  that  life  is        is that there is a way to get rid
            full  of  various  kinds  of              of     suffering,     with      his

            suffering;  Suffering  has  a             Eightfold  Path.  The  second
            cause  and  an  end,  and  we             aspect  is  that  the  path  of
            reach  Nirvana  when  we  end             liberation        should        be

            these      sufferings       within        developed. (Van Oosten, 2008)
            ourselves. (Gable, 2008)                     The Eightfold Path is a set
               What  is  the  path  which             of  deeds  determined  by  the

            leads  to  the  cessation  of             Buddha  as  the  path  to
            suffering? Buddha's answer is             perfection,  and  it  includes
            the following Eightfold Path:             some  moral  practices  to
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