Page 35 - Pure Life 36
P. 35
34 / International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE, 10(36), Autumn. 2023
disappearance of human individual and God. It is
traits; In a way, man can see through self-knowledge that
himself in the mirror of God, one recognizes the divine
and the perfect human is spark within oneself and
God's mirror. (Herawati, 2013) understands that the journey
Another way to achieve to perfection is a journey of
perfection is to know himself. self-discovery. (Nakhaei, 2007)
The Holy Qur’an says: Knowing himself has
“We will soon show them different levels, and the
Our signs in the Universe highest level of that is to
and in their own souls, know that there is nothing in
until it will become quite the world but God's self-
clear to them that it is the disclosure. (Chittick, 2012:
truth…”. (Qur’an, 41: 53) 39-40)
Ibn Arabi divides the
Self-knowledge plays a knowledge of God into two
crucial role in the pursuit of types: introvertive and
perfection in Ibn Arabi's extrovertive knowledge.
mysticism. It involves deep Introvertive knowledge is the
introspection and understanding direct and immediate
of one's true nature, which is experience of God through
ultimately connected to the inner vision and intuition;
divine. While extrovertive knowledge
According to Ibn Arabi, is the indirect and mediated
true self-knowledge leads to knowledge of God through
the realization that there is no the observation and
separation between the
contemplation of His creation.