Page 74 - Pure Life 36
P. 74

A Critical Approach to Human Position… H. A. Islaminasab & H. Moridian (73

            evolution and then, as a result,          by  glory  and  honor,  along
            the  external  environment  also          with defects and risks.
            changes.  If  people  increase               The      second      viewpoint

            and      pay      attention      to       considers man as a rebellious
            themselves  coordinately, they            being  who  has  risen  in
            will be able to cause creation            opposition to the higher world
            and birth on a global scale.              and  intends  to  abuse  the
               This  statement  means  that           position of the Almighty God
            by  connecting  to  the  field  of        for himself. He also considers
            consciousness and awareness,              life as a trading house that he
            every human being can create              can  use  in  any  way  he  likes,
            inside  and  outside.  As  a              and  because  he  is  far  away
            result, If all human beings are           from  the  Almighty  God  and
            united  and  connected  to  the           unable to understand the truth
            field    of    awareness       and        of God Almighty, he is always
            consciousness  as  a  unit  and           unstable and compensates for
            collective,  they  can  create  a         being jealous of God in other
            unified global creation.                  ways. (Nasr, 1989)
                                                         Most  of  the  non-religious
            3. Comparative Study of the               spiritualities  view  the  human
            way of Looking at Humans                  being     from      the    second
            Currently, there are two main             viewpoint,  which  can  reach
            views about the place of man              divinity  through  steps  and
            in the universe:                          using  instructions.  Instead  of
               The  first  view  introduces           seeing  humans  as  connected
            God  as  the  Creator  and  man           to  God,  they  rely  on  the
            as a creature who has become              spiritual capabilities of humans
            His caliph on earth on behalf             and  emphasize  that  these
            of his Creator and because of             capabilities  may  be  the  same
            his humanity, all his thoughts            in religious and non-religious
            and  actions  are  accompanied            people. (Wulff, 1996)
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