Page 72 - Pure Life 36
P. 72
A Critical Approach to Human Position… H. A. Islaminasab & H. Moridian (71
created man as an example of introduces man as the greatest
not only all emanated entities sign and the sign of God
but also all creatures. He Almighty among all creations.
made man a brief version of He believes that the
all that is in the spiritual and Almighty God has made man
material world. (Mulla Sadra, a ladder to His nature,
2010, Vol.1: 828) attributes, and actions to be
In addition, God Almighty known (Javadi Amoli, 2010,
placed man as his caliph on Vol. 4: 22) and since the
earth and said: action relates to creativity,
“And when your Lord said man can invent, evolve and
to the angels, I am going create like God. (Sabzevari,
to place in the earth a 2009: 476-477)
khalif…”. (Qur’an, 2: 30)
2. Chopra's Way of Looking
Therefore, according to the at Human Beings
mentioned verse, Mulla Sadra
believes that the caliph should • Calling Man God
have all the affairs of God, Some non-religious spiritualities
and the difference between are trying to make man a self-
them is only in the originality proclaimed God. Chopra
and subordination. (Mulla Sadra, divides the soul into two parts
2010, Vol. 2: 411-412) according to Hindu beliefs:
“Jiva” and “Atman”, and
• Nafs; The Highest Form presents a God-like image of
Mulla Sadra's belief that Nafs man and a human-like image
is the highest form is in a way of God.
that although he considers The soul begins at the
God Almighty free of having quantum level and therefore
any form, he regards the becomes meaningful, the
whole world as a sign and quantum level is also a portal