Page 75 - Pure Life 36
P. 75
74 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE, 10(36), Autumn. 2023
This view is called complete and absolute truth of
humanism or anthropocentric the Almighty God, and at
and it means that man is every moment, man is
considered the axis of dependent on the existence of
existence. Humanists are trying the Grace of his Creator.
to replace self-centeredness (Motahhari, 1994: 244)
instead of God-centeredness, The creator of the whole
and by making religion universe, including man, is
subordinate to humanistic the Almighty God and if a
goals and objectives, they little creation has been given
deal the biggest blow to to man, it is in the shadow of
religion. Chopra's view of his connection to God.
man is placed in this second However, in most of his
view and it has the following writings, Deepak Chopra
problems. considers humans to have
In Chopra's view, man's infinite abilities and says:
attitude towards God is Find out your divinity and
independent, while in Sadra's discover your unique
view, man has a complete capacity. (Chopra, 2001: 90)
connection with Almighty
God. Sadra considers man to The drawback of this type
be a pure connection to the of thinking is that it leads to
Almighty God and not only humanism. If we consider man
all his abilities but also his as having infinite ability and
existence as a possible and creativity, we have given him
dependent existence in the the role of God and we have
shadow of the Almighty God. considered him to be equal to
According to the principle God. This means that there is
of Possibility Through no need to worship the God
Something Else, human existence and every human being
is a pale existence of the considers himself Almighty.