Page 148 - Pure Life 37
P. 148
A Scientometric Analysis on the Ethics Education… A. Karimi et al (147
Life in the world of virtual Many of the morals that
education. Creating interesting existed in monotheistic
information, enabling conversations, religions had to be
and encouraging moral transmitted through mobile
decision-making in a virtual phones and cyberspace, while
learning environment previously it was achieved
(Piragauta & Minelli de through face-to-face training
Oliveira, 2023) are all part of or mentoring. A comprehensive
teaching ethics through online analysis of this situation is
education. Personalized feedback needed to provide an
and virtual office hours, case overview of this issue in the
studies and scenarios, ethical global community.
reflection and journals, If monotheistic religions,
webinars and guest speakers, including Islam, ignore the
online assessments with integrity, developments of the Covid-19
ethics in technology use, period and its effects on moral
interactive content delivery, education, much damage can
virtual discussions and occur in this area.
collaboration, online office The purpose of the study is
hours, and professional ethics to conduct a comprehensive
resources are some of the key and systematic examination
strategies. of the scientific landscape
With the spread of the surrounding ethics education
COVID-19 virus, ethics within the context of the
education was also forced to COVID-19 pandemic. The term
appear in the virtual space scientometric analysis refers
with explained platforms, and to the quantitative and
as a result, a new and at the qualitative assessment of
same time ambiguous field scientific publications, aiming
occurred in this field. to identify patterns, trends,