Page 149 - Pure Life 37
P. 149
148 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 11(37), Winter. 2024
and key themes within a Aiding an all-
specific field. encompassing strategy,
So, the main question of people may live moral lives
this research is: What are the in the contemporary world
trends and gaps in ethics compassion, integrity, social
education during the COVID- responsibility, and ethical
19 era? behavior.
In this article, keywords
Theoretical Foundations and stand on the following:
Research Background
Ethics education is essential - The concept of Pure Life
for promoting a purified life in Islam and divine
in the COVID-19 age. Virtue religions is closely related
ethics, principle-based ethics, to the concept of righteous
care ethics, religious and and virtuous life following
spiritual ethics, environmental the teachings of the Qur’an
ethics, critical ethics education, and the Sunnah of the
and technological ethics are Prophet of Islam (PBUH).
some of the important ideas (Bighash, 2022) This
and methods. requires adherence to
Principle-based ethics Islamic principles, doing
education offers a sound good deeds, and striving
theoretical basis for moral for spiritual refinement and
judgments in healthcare, moral excellence.
public health, and individual - Ethics Education, encompasses
behavior, whereas virtue ethics a comprehensive framework
emphasizes the development that guides Muslims and all
of moral character and religious people in leading
virtuous attributes. While a virtuous life, maintaining
religious and spiritual ethics good character, and
offer a moral compass, ethics fulfilling their moral
of care emphasizes obligations towards God,
relationships, empathy, and themselves, and others.