Page 171 - Pure Life 37
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170 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 11(37), Winter. 2024
nurturing individuals who to virtual religious services,
live ethically sound lives and and moved their Qur’anic
make significant contributions studies instruction to online
to society. platforms.
According to the findings, Ramadan and Islamic
The COVID-19 epidemic has holidays have changed, with
had a profound effect on an emphasis on introspection
ethics teaching, resulting in and spiritual development. To
both immediate and long-term guarantee safety and well-
changes. A focus on social being, religious teaching
and global ethics, improved techniques have been modified
technological integration, and and mental health and
the move to online learning wellbeing have been highlighted.
have all been impacted.
The formation of ethical
leaders, the incorporation of
moral issues into academic
fields, the promotion of
mental health and well-being,
community involvement, and
service-learning have all
received attention. The goal
of these adjustments is to
make education more moral,
robust, and socially aware.
The COVID-19 epidemic
has had a major effect on
Islamic religious traditions,
rituals, and education. Institutions
have encountered difficulties
in communal worship, shifted