Page 58 - Pure Life 37
P. 58

Personal Identity in… Sh. Vahidi Mehrajardi et al (57

                         In  this  respect,  Almighty            level  of  creation  and  the

                       Allah said:                               preceding levels.
                         “Certainly,  We  created                   Tabataba'i  argues  that  this
                         man  from  an  extract  of              word  implies  that  this  new

                         clay. Then We made him a                level       should         possess
                         drop  of  [seminal]  fluid              fundamentally different qualities
                         [lodged] in a secure abode.             and  virtues.  Specifically,  he

                         Then  We  created  the  drop            asserts that the essence of the
                         of fluid as a clinging mass.            soul is fundamentally distinct
                         Then  We  created  the                  from  that  of  the  body.
                         clinging  mass  as  a  fleshy           Consequently,  the  attributes

                         tissue. Then We created the             and  characteristics  attributed
                         fleshy tissue as bones. Then            to the body should differ from
                         We  clothed  the  bones  with           those  ascribed  to  the  soul  in

                         flesh.  Then  We  produced              all aspects. (Tabataba'i, 1972,
                         him     as    [yet]    another          Vol. 15: 21)
                         creature. So blessed is Allah,             Misbah Yazdi, in his work,

                         the  best  of  creators”.               has also referenced this point
                         (The Qur’an, 23: 12-14)                 in  various  instances,  which
                                                                 will  be  further  elaborated
                         Respecting the interpretation           upon.

                       of  the  mentioned  verses,
                       Allamah Tabataba'i, who was               How Does a Person to Persist

                       the  teacher  of  Misbah  Yazdi,          from One Time to Another?
                       highlights an important aspect            In  the  broadest  sense  of  the
                       regarding      a    verse.     He         term  'possible',  one  may
                       emphasizes  that  God's  use  of          wonder  about  the  types  of

                       the word 'Ansh`anaa' (lit; We             adventures       that    can    be
                       produced) signifies the creation          survived  and  the  events  that
                       of something entirely new and             would  inevitably  lead  to  the

                       distinct. This indicates a clear          termination of one's existence.
                       distinction  between  this  new
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