Page 95 - Pure Life 37
P. 95
94 / International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE, 11(37), Winter. 2024
Introduction deeds lead to the emergence
The relationship between of faith, just as disbelief leads
faith and righteous deeds, to apostasy? Do faith and
particularly in Tafsir (exegesis) righteous deeds constitute
of the Holy Qur’an, raises different levels of meaning and
problems and challenges for have a bidirectional correlation?
Muslim scholars, including Another question concerns
interpreters and theologians. the impact and consequences
For example, one of the first of faith and righteous deeds
theological challenges concerns on man's individual, social,
the conceptual connection between and civilizational life, which
faith and righteous deeds. the article tries to explain to
(Shahrastani, 1972, Vol. 1) answer; of course, to explain
This means that righteous the problem it is necessary to
deeds are used as a refer to the following
component and basis for the One of the benefits taken
definition of faith. Hence, into account is human dignity.
how can a wicked man who In other words, faith is a
does not do righteous things criterion for human dignity.
be considered a believer? Some people honor and praise
Khawarij and Mutazilites faithful men and condemn
answered this question positively, those lacking faith and belief
while Shi’a and Ash'arits have in God.
denied it. (Ref: Shahid Thani, Martyr Motahhari believes
1988: 55-57; Izutsu, 2006: 71) that man has all potential
The objective connection perfections and must realize
between belief and righteous and activate them. Additionally,
deeds is also important for he must be his builder and
scientists. Does faith lead architect and believes in faith
toward righteous deeds, just as the most important
as the root and trunk of a tree prerequisite to achieve potential
lead to fruit? Do righteous