Page 100 - Pure Life 37
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Typology of Religious Lifestyle Results… Z. Nabavi (99

                       other  words,  it  is  the                    find for themselves neither
                       combination of faith and piety                a  guardian  nor  a  helper
                       i.e., faith and righteous deeds               besides Allah”. (The Qur’an,

                       bring honor to man.                           4: 173)
                         Additionally,      the    Holy
                       Qur’an uses comparison as a               •  “To Him is your return, of

                       powerful  tool  for  moral                    all (of you); the promise of
                       teaching      and     education.              Allah  (made)  in  truth;
                       Comparisons  are  sometimes                   Surely,  He  begins  the
                       two-sided, like the comparison                creation     in    the    first

                       between  the  wise  and  the                  instance, then He reproduces
                       ignorant men in the 9th verse                 it, that He may with justice

                       of  chapter  “Zumar”,  and                    recompense  those  who
                       sometimes  it  is  a  three-fold              believe  and  do  good;  and
                       comparison, like the comparison               (as     for)    those     who
                       of  the  former,  the  right-hand             disbelieve, they shall have

                       companions and the left-hand                  a drink of hot water and a
                       ones in chapter “Al-Waqi'a”.                  painful punishment because
                         The  Holy  Qur’an  uses  the                they disbelieved”. (The Qur’an,

                       method  of  comparison  to                    10: 4)
                       express  the  results  of  faith          •  “You  will  see  the  unjust
                       and  righteous  deeds,  some                  fearing on account of what

                       verses are given as examples:                 they  have  earned,  and  it
                       •  “He  will  grant  those  who               must  befall  them,  and
                          have  believed  and  done                  those  who  believe  and  do

                          righteous deeds their rewards              good  shall  be  in  the
                          in  full  and  will  give  them            meadows  of  the  gardens;
                          more  out  of  His  bounty.                they  shall  have  what  they

                          He will bestow upon those                  please  with  their  Lord:
                          who  have  been  disdainful                that  is  a  great  grace”.
                          and     arrogant  a  painful               (The Qur’an, 42: 22)

                          chastisement, and they will
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