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                       96  /   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE, 11(37), Winter. 2024
                          3.  The  effects  and  results            insecurity. (Ref: The Qur’an,
                          of  faith  and  righteous                 2: 125; 7: 97; 44: 51)
                          deeds  concerned  both  the

                          accidental development and                - The word security, when
                          the  substantial  change  of              viewed transitively through
                          people. Also, reviving life               the prepositions bi and lam,

                          in this  world and  living  a             means  confirmation,  trust,
                          religious  life  is  a  great             and confidence. (Ref: The Qur’an,
                          change  that  comes  from                 9: 61; 12: 17; 43: 69)
                          faith and righteous deeds.                Faith  is  the  belief  in  the

                                                                 oneness of God, heart faith in
                         Faith      (Iman)      is    the
                       infinitive  in  Arabic,  and  the         Him,      as    well     as    the

                       root  of  the  term  is  security         affirmation of the other pillars
                       ('Aman)       and       anti-fear.        of  Islam  and  the  practical
                       Ragheb considers the root of              commitment to fulfill religious

                       security  as  the  meaning  of            obligations.  Hence,  belief  in
                       self-confidence and eliminating           the  pillars  of  Islam  is  not
                       fear. (Ragheb Esfahani, 1992: 576)        enough  to  attain  faith  i.e.,

                         Ibn  Manzur  has  also  used            obligatory religious duties must
                       this    word     with     several         be fulfilled along with  belief
                       meanings, namely trust in the             in  God  and  His  unity  and

                       opposite  of  betrayal,  faith  in        recognition of Islam.
                       the opposite of disbelief, and               Consequently,  faith  is  the
                       confirmation  in  the  opposite           sum  of  the  two  powers  of
                       of denial. (Ibn Manzur, 1990,             heart knowledge and physical

                       Vol. 1: 14)                               obedience  to  duty.  If  one
                         This  term  is  mostly  used            searches the statements of the
                       within the Holy Qur’an in the             infallible  Imams,  s/he  will

                       two following meanings:                   find     the    traditions     that
                         - Security and its causation            consider  the  nature  of  faith.
                         and elimination of fear and             For example:
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