Page 103 - Pure Life 38
P. 103
102 / International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 11(38), Spring. 2024
Introduction including the discussion about the
Before the serious confrontation possibility and necessity of religious
of the Islamic world with the science and compiling the Islamic
Western civilization from the pattern of progress (Ref:
18 century onwards, Muslim Parsania, 2015; Golshani, 2018;
thinkers and people did not Nasr, 2003).
feel a conflict between the Although various kinds of
Islamic religion and other aspects research have been conducted on
of life, including society, the relationship between science
business, professions, etc. Parallel and culture during the last decade
to the expansion of Western (Ref: Parsania, 2015; Golshani,
civilization to other parts of the 2018), as well as the
world, the conflict between relationship between science
religion and development, which and religion (Ref: Bagheri,
had a long history in the 2008; Golshani, 2018; Rezania,
Christian West, became a 2018; Haught, 1995), but the
problem for other cognitive and relationship between religion
religious systems that did not and development has received
suffer from such a problem. In less attention. Meanwhile, the
other words, the emergence of the conflict and challenges between
epistemic system of modernism material and secular civilizations
and its epistemological requirements as well as religious and spiritual
have caused conflicts in civilizations have reached their
Eastern societies, including the peak and become clearer.
Islamic world, such as the This study seeks to the
conflict between religion and relationship between religion and
development and efforts to development from the perspectives
resolve it. In recent years, of Muslim thinkers, which can
major issues have been raised strengthen the theoretical foundation
among researchers that have of the Islamic pattern of
made attention to the issue of development. As the main question,
the relationship between religion are there serious inconsistencies
and development more serious, between the epistemological