Page 108 - Pure Life 38
P. 108

Criticizing Muslim Thinkers' Views on Religion and Development … A. Ali et al (107

                       philosophical  and  theological           has  nothing  to  say  about  the

                       contexts (Rezania, 2013: 94).             purpose  of  life,  while  science
                         Regarding the conflict between          in  the  Islamic  world  was
                       religion  and  development  in            inseparable  from the  purpose.
                       its current sense, Muẓaffar ‘Iqbāl        In the book Islam and Science,

                       has an important placement from           consisting  of  eleven  chapters,
                       the thinkers’ perspectives.               he  examined  the  scientific
                         Dr. Muẓaffar ‘Iqbāl, born on            movement in Islam and its signs,

                       December  3,  1954,  in  Lahore,          the connection between Islam
                       Pakistan, is a Pakistani-Canadian         and science, the destruction of
                       chemical  and  Islamic  thinker           the tradition and its causes, the

                       and author. From the beginning            transmission  of  the  Islamic
                       of his studies, he has been concerned     tradition  and  its  transformation,
                       about  the  Islamization  of              and  the  end  of  colonialism,  as
                       sciences, that's why he started           well      as     the     scientific

                       scientific  and  cultural  activities     interpretation.  In  this  article,
                       since he got his doctorate. The           we  will  pay  attention  to  the

                       result  of  Muẓaffar  ‘Iqbāl  's          analysis  and  search  for  the
                       research is nearly 23 volumes             pattern    of     progress     and
                       of books and dozens of articles           development  in  the  works  of
                       in  three  languages  namely,             Muẓaffar ‘Iqbāl, emphasizing the

                       Arabic, Urdu, and English.                blessings of Islam and science.
                         Iqbal  is  the  editor-in-chief
                       of  a  publication  on  science           Methodology

                       and    civilization    from    the        This study benefitted from an
                       perspective of Islam and Islamic          analytical  documentary  and
                       sciences.  His  most  recent              library method. First, most of

                       project  is  the  publication  of         Muẓaffar ‘Iqbāl 's works were
                       the  first  encyclopedia  of  the         studied.    Then,  according  to
                       Qur'an  by  Muslims.  An  article         the  objectives  and  questions

                       about Islamic sciences published          of  the  research,  some  texts
                       in  the  New  York  Times  quoted         were  extracted  relating  to
                       Iqbal saying that new science             development  and  religion  in
                                                                 terms  of  meanings  and  themes.
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