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                       138   / International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 11(38), Spring. 2024
                       asking questions or by providing          and a thorough worldview based
                       the context for asking questions          on the truth that feeds on direct

                       by  the  counselor.  However,             and  definite  knowledge.  The
                       thoughts  must  be  freed  from           counselor  should  not  impose
                       all kinds of prejudices, sensual          his/her ideas on the client and not

                       desires, and imitations. In this          confine the client to the thoughts
                       approach, intellectual raw materials      of  a  few  philosophers  so  that
                       are  extracted  from  immediate           the client is trapped by the ideas

                       cognitions  and  are  developed           expressed  by  philosophers.
                       in other cases. After the client          The counselor should expose the
                       gains    solid     and     definite       clients  to  contradictions  so  that

                       knowledge and is in the process           s/he chooses the best alternatives
                       of  correcting  tendencies  and           through  thoughtfulness,  free
                       behaviors, the counselor warns            will,  and  his/her  instinct  for
                       the client so that s/he does not go       perfectionism.  Moreover,  the

                       astray.  Using  methods,  the             counselor  should  guide  the
                       counselor can identify the client's       client,  teach  him/her  logical

                       mental state and ask questions            thinking,  and  provide  the
                       according to the client's needs           adequate intellectual materials
                       and  start  the  movement  and            needed by the clients.
                       flow of thought.                             The common inner call of all

                         According  to  religious  and           human beings in  Ran Lahav’s
                       divine teachings, human life is           view, which leads man to leave
                       not  limited  to  a  few  years  of       the peripheral cave, communicate

                       life  and  man  continues  living         with  the  inner  dimension,  and
                       even  after  death.  Thus,  a             discover the truth, is similar to the
                       philosophical  counselor,  even           concept  of  human  perfectionism

                       though  may  have  a  different           and  idealism  in  the  books  of
                       belief,  should  consider  the            Ali Ṣafāei Ḥāeri. In addition, the
                       possibility of eternal life after         inner dimension can be considered

                       death  and  help  the  client             as  the  divine  nature  and
                       consciously and freely achieve            construction  of  human  beings.
                       deep philosophical knowledge              That part of his approach that
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