Page 136 - Pure Life 38
P. 136
Ali Ṣafāei Ḥāeri’s Approach to Philosophical Counseling… H. Mohammadabadi et al (135
provide the best welfare and forced to choose voluntarily.
social life with their instincts. He may choose based on his
Man is beyond this limited world impulses and instincts and may
and persists, and to move in a make a decision based on the
higher and superior direction limited intellect of some other
against these complexities of thinkers, and sometimes based
the laws of existence and the on his restricted intellect,
infinite extension of existence, which does not encompass the
he needs a guide, ruler, messengers, whole creation, and there is a
and their orders and instructions. possibility of making a wrong
For a person to be able to decision. This type of freedom
think rationally and know their is also a trap and the person
goals based on the truth, they may get trapped in many
must be freed from distracting things. Thus, he must be
issues and restraints. The person released from this freedom.
should even be freed from this This type of freedom is
freedom itself, because a seemingly “variable captivity” to fallible
free person is sometimes trapped ego and the intellects that may
by lust, sometimes trapped by not be sympathetic to us, and if
others, sometimes trapped by they are, there is a high
limited rationality, and sometimes probability of making mistakes
trapped by ego. What is this and incompatibility with the
freedom? The person is still laws of the whole universe.
trapped by many things. Thus, Thus, it would be better if
being trapped by restricted free humans were freely the
things will lead to loss and servants of the unlimited
destruction. absolute ruler so that they
A person who considers could be happy and achieve
himself free from everything is real peace and joy in this
inevitably forced to choose complex and connected world.
and make a decision based on This would save the person
some criteria in life; freed from many difficulties and
from past desires, he is now hardships. The goal is not only