Page 134 - Pure Life 38
P. 134

Ali Ṣafāei Ḥāeri’s Approach to Philosophical Counseling… H. Mohammadabadi et al (133

                       true friend loves for our own sake           A  person  who  has  gained
                       but  any  enemy  pursues  his/her         knowledge through thinking, this

                       interests by interacting with us.         knowledge  induces  desire,
                         Moreover,  human  sensual               inclination, and love, leading to
                       desires sometimes lead them to            action.      However,        some

                       a destructive and harmful path.           prearrangements should be made
                       The devil also deceives humans            for further development. Some
                       with temptations, incitement of           practices are also needed to promote

                       instincts, and embellishment of           practical  skills.  Thus,  timely
                       the worthless manifestations of           warnings and reminders can lead to
                       the world, wasting their lives and        effective action (Ibid, 2007b: 103).

                       intellectual  and  spiritual  assets.
                       Some people may show sympathy                •  The Necessity of Knowing
                       for us, but they demand more in                  the  Client’s  Emotional
                                                                        State  in  Counseling  and
                       return and seek to take advantage                Education

                       of us to serve their interests.           A  good  counselor  should
                         A wise counselor must warn              identify  different  emotional

                       a  person  who  is  looking  for          states  of  clients  and  ask
                       growth and reaching the desired           questions  that  induce  their
                       goal in life and remind him/her of        stream  of  thought  so  that  the
                       things that may hinder his/her            clients are encouraged to seek

                       development and also procrastination      the  truth.  Ali  Safaei  has
                       (Ṣafāei Ḥāeri, 2007a & 2007b: 100).       introduced  several  emotional
                         The  counselor’s  warnings  can         states  and  the  way  to  address

                       help a person better understand their     them,  which  are  beyond  the
                       great  spiritual  assets,  unfathomable   scope of this paper.
                       existence,  human  hardships,  divine

                       grandeur,  enemies,  deaths,  pains,      4. An Overview of Ali Ṣafāei
                       and  sufferings.  However,  such          Ḥāeri’s Approach
                       warnings  can  lead  to  further          The main focus of Ali Ṣafāei Ḥāeri’s

                       developments and accomplishments          approach      to    philosophical
                       if they are welcome and accepted by       counseling  is  on  the  client’s
                       the client.                               free-thinking       and       self-
                                                                 transformation.  However,  the
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