Page 138 - Pure Life 38
P. 138

Ali Ṣafāei Ḥāeri’s Approach to Philosophical Counseling… H. Mohammadabadi et al (137

                       comes  to  know  himself/herself.         be calculated. The motto of the
                       Finally, s/he  is  free  to  choose       school  of  existence  which  is

                       the path of growth, perfection,           very  popular  states  that  a
                       bliss,  and  eternal  and  infinite       person  is  nothing  but  action.
                       pleasure  or  select  a  limited,         However,  it  should  be  noted

                       transitory, and superficial path.         that a person is nothing but the
                       The  most  important  thing  for          direction  of  their  action.  The
                       the  client  is  to  make  a              most  important  thing  is  the

                       conscious  choice.  Imposing              motivation or the driving force
                       opinions  and  forcing  a  person         of  actions  and  goals  (Ṣafāei
                       to  do  something  leads  to              Ḥāeri, 2007b: 232).

                       human metamorphosis.                         According  to  Ṣafāei  Ḥāeri,
                         Humans, having the power of             by  thinking,  a  person  gains
                       thinking and evaluation and striving      knowledge,  and  this  knowledge
                       for  perfection,  which  originates       leads  to  affection  and  love,

                       from  their  construction  and            and affection and love lead to
                       composition,  cannot  be  satisfied       action  followed  by  thinking,

                       with restricted accomplishments.          and  this  process  repeats  over
                       Thus,  humans  start  taking              and again (Ibid: 43,44).
                       actions  out  of  necessity  and
                       instinctually  in  search  of  a          Conclusion

                       more perfect truth.                       Overall,  it  can  be  argued  that
                         The counselor can clarify goals         Ali Ṣafāei Ḥāeri’s approach is
                       by paving the way for inducing a          an  integrated  system  and  a

                       spontaneous flow of questions             coherent  and  continuous  stream
                       within  the  client  by  asking           of thought, and a type of self-
                       basic  and  precise  questions.           transformation  based  on  free

                       The counselor sometimes warns             and refined thinking and reasoning
                       or reminds mistakes of clients.           that  gives  authenticity  to  the
                         A person’s possessions are not a        truth  and  emphasizes  definite

                       criterion,  because  the  possessions     and immediate knowledge gained
                       require efficiency, and efficiency        through raw information through
                       has no title because it needs to          explorations  and  studies.  In
                                                                 addition, this thinking flows by
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