Page 149 - Pure Life 38
P. 149
148 / International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 11(38), Spring. 2024
These words of the Noble New media, is any media
Messenger require defining a few including newspaper articles,
keywords, that distinguish the blogs, music, and podcasts that
forbidden extremism from the are delivered digitally, from a
moderation and tolerance that media or email to mobile phones
is encouraged by our true religion, and streaming apps, as well as any
e.g., sectarianism, extremism, internet-related form of
and severity, as well as difficulty communication (Girolimon, 2023).
and alienation. Defense Network of Companions
The origin of extremism is in is one of the Syrian opposition
thought, but it has been linked to networks that treat an Islamic
violence by degrading the sanctity religious issue as intellectual,
of violators (Kamel, 2002, 1-5). belief, and political. In another
Extremist thought is a definition, it is a preaching
deviation from the intellectual channel that explains the belief
rules, values, standards, and of the ʾIthnā ʿAshariyya (Twelver
behavioral methods common in Shi'ism) with evidence, proofs,
society, expressed in isolation, and documents through debates
negativity, and withdrawal, or by and programs.
adopting different values and Historically, the Middle Ages
standards, the defense of which were characterized by bloody
may amount to a tendency toward conflicts of religious origin (Zamil,
violence, in an individual form 2020: 2), fueled by intellectual
or organized group behavior to extremism and fanaticism that
bring about change in society, destroyed human life and society,
and forcefully imposing opinions especially in the Jewish and
on others (Gundi, 1989: 7). Christian areas in Europe
Terrorism involves the use (Rayyan, 2020, Vol. 2: 73-85).
or threat of violence and seeks In the East, Islam was not
to create fear, not just within immune from such conflicts.
the direct victims, but among a Intellectual extremism was
wide audience (Jenkins, 2024). manifested in its most severe form