Page 154 - Pure Life 38
P. 154

Extremist Thought in The New Media and Its Impact on Society… F. Abdel Sater et al (153

                         These  results  showed  that            bloodshed      and    intellectual
                       the  YouTube  platform  ranked            extremism, especially the mass

                       first  among  the  visual  media          executions  that  the  whole
                       used  and  social  networking             world watched on YouTube in
                       sites in displaying debates and           2015,  the  individuals  belonging

                       programs  presented  by  the              to certain sects, consider to be
                       Defense  Network  followed  by            enemies  and  infidels,  so  it  is
                       the Twitter  blog  in  attracting         necessary to punish them with

                       those  who  openly  express               death  based  on  the  extremist
                       hostility  to  a  specific  Islamic       ideology, which was published
                       doctrine  and  support  the               under     Islamic     titles   and

                       violence  to  which  they  are            intellectual  debates,  such  as
                       exposed  based  on  Takfiri               Defending  the  Companions
                       Fatwas that were broadcast by the         and  Mothers  of  the  Believers
                       network.  On  the  aforementioned         network through its channels.

                       platform,  YouTube  recorded  a              YouTube's  lack  of  seriousness
                       rate  of  49%,  compared  to              in  deleting  extremist  material

                       Twitter,  which  received  18%,           played  a  pivotal  role  in  the
                       while Facebook did not exceed             occurrence  of  terrorist  acts
                       8%, these percentages seem to             because  of  the  extremist  and
                       be normal in the circumstances            inflammatory  thought  broadcast

                       of  the  spread  of  new  media           on its platform (Morjan, 2017), in
                       platforms that have played a major        which the Countering Extremism
                       role in spreading sectarian strife        Project documented 1348 videos

                       and incitement.                           on  YouTube,  that  garnered
                         It  was  recorded  that a  high         thousands  of  views  for  an
                       rate of  extremism in 2010-2015           extremist group in 2018, which

                       led to violence and intellectual          is  still  using  the  platform  to
                       extremism, the origin of which            publish  videos  with  extremist
                       was primarily the debates and             content,     despite     YouTube

                       dialogues  that  were  broadcast          implementing  the  removal
                       on social media (Morjan, 2017),           decision (Yamani, 2019).
                       which instilled hatred, murder,
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