Page 150 - Pure Life 38
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Extremist Thought in The New Media and Its Impact on Society… F. Abdel Sater et al (149

                       during  the  centuries  of  the                  convictions  that  end  with
                       Islamic Caliphate (Tarebiq, 2017).               the issuance of a ruling of

                         Extremism, in all its forms,                   innovation, or disbelief is
                       continues nowadays under religious               imposed on the person to
                       slogans disguised as thought and                 whom  it  was  directed

                       Islam. For example, Islam did not                (Salah, 2008).
                       know expressions such as apostasy,           Hence,  intellectual  extremism
                       heresy, and other Takfiri Fatwas          which destroys life and society

                       before  Ahmad  ibn  Hanbal.  In           began in the modern sense through
                       this respect, Shorbagy said,              the Salafist    system,     which
                             They     supported     these        initially relied upon spreading its

                             statements with texts from          thought  by  holding  meetings
                             the books of jurisprudence          of  a  secret  nature,  in  which
                             that  they  have  proved  it        elite   academics  and  thinkers

                             with  verses  from  the             participated  to  attract  young

                             Qur’an      and      Sunnah         minds  through  multiple  methods
                             (Shorbagy, 2018).                   (Kinkar, n.d.), the most recent

                         We  may  find  here  the  best          of which was contemporary means
                       clarification  of  the  essence  of       of  communication  (network),
                       intellectual extremism that turns         the  international  information
                       into violence and terrorism. In           (internet).  Despite  its  many

                       this regard, Saleh said,                  advantages,  it  provides  many
                             The  first  thing  on  which        disadvantages  that  contribute
                             intellectual  terrorism  is         to its exploitation in dangerous

                             founded  in  the  actual            and  extremist  fields,  some  of
                             practice  of  revisionist           which come as follows:
                             Islamic  tendencies,  is            •  Connecting millions of entities,

                             determining  the  legal                organizations, and individuals
                             position  of  individuals              in one global network.
                             and       societies,      by        •  Making  the  process  of

                             prosecuting  actions  and              knowledge exchange a mutual
                             words  based  on  invented             process between the publisher
                             principles,    and     prior           and the user or recipient.
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